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Jummah Salaah Update

    Assalamualikum Dear Community Members, One (1) Jummah Salah starting on Friday, 27 January 2023. English Talk: 01:15 PM First Ezan: 01:40 PM Arabic Khutbah: 01:45 PM Salaah (Iqama): 01:50 PM Imam – Shaykh Qazi Muhammad Saad May Allah keep everyone… Read More »Jummah Salaah Update


      Asslamualikum Dear Community Members, Islamic Society of Geelong (ISG) is working with the Greater Geelong Council to create a positive place for people of all cultures and faiths to live. ISG which advocates for the Geelong Muslim community is an… Read More »HAVE YOUR SAY


        Allah (swt) says, “And whoever saved one life; it as though he has saved all of mankind.” [Surah Al-Ma’idah]. THE MASAJIDS CONTAIN OUR HEARTS; LET’S KEEP THEM BREATHING CPR & DEFIBRILLATOR TRAINING AT THE GEELONG MOSQUE FACTS: • Cardiac Arrest… Read More »CPR TRAINING

        Feast on Diversity

          Please come and join Feast on Diversity, free meals, henna, hijab demonstration and Islamic information stall.