Sharing Our Faith and Cultural Heritage
InshAllah, the Geelong Mosque will open its doors to the public on Sunday 5th of March 2023, at 10 am. Apart from guided tours, and education, there will be fun activities for ladies and children.
“Mosques are always open and always welcoming places. As well as a sacred space for prayer and reflection, they are places where communities gather, learn from each other and share,” said ICV President Adel Salman.
The day will include guided mosque tours, Q & A, Henna, Hijab demonstrations, kids’ arts and crafts and refreshments. There will be a special program starting at 12:30 pm to 01:30 pm, where the dignitaries from various walks of life will share their thoughts.
Everyone is welcome to participate! The Victorian Open Mosque Day is a celebration of dialogue, respect, and understanding between and amongst all the communities that comprise this state’s rich mosaic.
Looking forward to seeing many on Sunday 5th of March at the Geelong Mosque.