As a Muslim Australian teenager, university student or millennial, it’s easy to get lost in the sea of distraction where technology and social media all compete for your time and attention. But what are you doing IRL…In Real Life?
As our future leaders, YOU are the greatest hope for our ummah’s success. And right now is the perfect time to prepare yourself. You want an anchor, a group of peers who understand what it means to grow up Muslim and Australian right now; like-minded people who want more for themselves, who want to develop into their best selves, for their life and the next, and who wish to do this TOGETHER.
That’s what the Geelong Muslim Youth Group at the Geelong Mosque is for. It is an opportunity to make new friends, develop your identity and purpose, grow as a leader, and practice your commitment to service.
Islamic Society of Geelong warmly invites our Muslim Youth to Meet & Greet BBQ at the Geelong Mosque on Sunday, 20 FEB 2020, from 06:00 pm till 08:00 pm. Brothers and sisters over the age of 14 are welcome, and our gathering will allow YOU to say in the Geelong Muslim Youth Group management and future activities.
Guest Speaker: Mufti Saeed Bulhan
To join, please book your spot via Eventbrite.
Booking Link: